In [1]:
import re
import numpy as np
from IPython.display import display as D
In [2]:
%cd ~/courses/phys572_lasers/lecture/
In [3]:
pdfnum_re = re.compile(r"lecture([0-9]{1,2})\.pdf", re.IGNORECASE)
In [4]:
files = !ls lecture*
In [5]:
newfiles = []
idxnames = []
for f in files:
filenum = int(pdfnum_re.findall(f)[0])
pdfname = r"Lecture\ "+format(filenum, "02d")+".pdf"
idxname = r"Lecture "+format(filenum, "d")
!cp $f $pdfname
print filenum, pdfname, idxname
Merge the PDF's into one; note that the --rotateoversize false keeps large pages from being rotated, which happened in these notes.
TODO: Modify to figure out the (or each) page size(s) automatically and use that, or something reasonable given the measurements.
In [6]:
tempfile = "lectures.tmp.pdf"
outfile = "PHYS_572_lectures.pdf"
!pdfjoin --paper a4paper --rotateoversize false Lecture*.pdf --outfile $tempfile
Sort the files and correspondig index entries
In [7]:
sortind = np.argsort(newfiles)
newfiles = [ newfiles[i] for i in sortind ]
idxnames = [ idxnames[i] for i in sortind ]
In [8]:
r = re.compile(r"Pages:\s*([0-9]+)")
idxentries = []
pagenum = 1
for (f, name) in zip(files, idxnames):
idxentry = r"[/Page " + format(pagenum,"d") \
+ r" /View [/XYZ null null null] /Title (" \
+ name \
+ r") /OUT pdfmark"
pages_s = !pdfinfo $f | grep Pages
pages = int(r.findall(pages_s[0])[0])
pagenum += pages
idx = "\n".join(idxentries)
In [9]:
with file("", "w") as idxinfo:
Add the index to the pdf; instructions on creating index in PDF file obtained here:
In [10]:
!gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -q -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE \
-sOutputFile=$outfile -f $tempfile
In [11]:
!rm -f $tempfile